Monday, April 8, 2013

April Pools volunteers and refreshment donations needed!

Hello Swimming friends! The annual April Pools meet at Jenks Trojan Aquatic Center is LESS THAN TWO WEEKS AWAY!!! Your 'always tired' meet director is in stress mode. Not only do we need swimmers to enter (now), we also need volunteers and refreshment donations for the hospitality room! A meet cannot happen without volunteers. So thank you in advance for reading my email and offering your assistance! Recruit your family and friends to help us. The best seat in the house is behind the starting block with a stop watch in your hand. We will train you! The April Pools meet is April 20th. Warm up starts at 9 am and the meet begins at 10 am. We should be completely finished by 2 pm. All swimmers and volunteers are invited to the post event social at Hide-a-way Pizza. The links below will allow you to sign up to volunteer, bring refreshments or both. VOLUNTEER SIGN UP: HOSPITALITY ROOM- REFRESHMENT SIGN UP: Those who want to swim should go to and click on the April Pools link to the online entry form. Please contact me if you have any questions. Thanks again for supporting masters swimming! Denise Smart Tulsa Masters Swim Club 2013 April Pools meet director


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