Hello, swimmers!!
Are you looking for a place to swim, and a group to swim with, on Saturdays? Join Tulsa Masters Swim Club (TMSC) members for Saturday morning workouts at Jenks High School, 8:00 to 10:00 am beginning February 20th. We won't have a coach on deck, but the group will make up the workout each Saturday. We will adjust the workouts so that all abilities can participate.
To swim at Jenks HS on Saturdays, you MUST do 2 things:
1) Sign up on the Jenks Community Education website,
www.jenkscommunityed.com --> Spring Classes 2010-->Sports & Fitness -->Masters Adult Swim Workout. You can also register over the phone by calling the Jenks Community Ed Department: 298-0340. The cost is $5 total for February (2 Saturdays), $10 for each month after that (March, April & May).
2) Join United States Masters Swimming,
www.usms.org. This is necessary for insurance reasons and is part of our agreement with the Jenks Community Education Department allowing us to use the pool.
We fully intend to continue these Saturday workouts throughout 2010. A bonus will be a first hand opportunity to watch the progress of the new Trojan Aquatic Center, expected completion by yearend 2010. Masters swimming will be one of the many aquatic programs to be offered at the new swimming complex. Our Saturday workouts are just the beginning.
For the multi-sport swimmers, I anticipate Saturday rides leaving from Jenks HS after the swim workout. Now you have a swimming group and a riding group! For those who might be more interested in eating than another workout, I know of at least 2 good diners in Jenks where we can go for breakfast. I try to cover everything!
Don't forget about the coached workouts at Booker T Washington HS. Jason Sauer is our coach. He's been writing workouts for both the 'regular' masters swimmer and for triathletes including some great drills to help us be more efficient swimmers. We have pool time from 5:00 to 7:00 pm on Monday, Wednesday & Friday nights. I encourage you to check it out.
If you are a YMCA member, coached workouts are happening at the Hutcherson YMCA Monday, Wednesday & Friday mornings at 5:45 am. Lucas Meyers is on deck. You'll find both masters swimmers and triathletes at these workouts as well.
Tulsa Masters Swim Club is working hard to bring you opportunities to SWIM and to maximize the benefits of being a USMS member, whether you are a competitive pool swimmer, triathlete, or fitness swimmer. Let us help you meet your swimming goals.
Check out our new website,
http://tulsamsc.blogspot.com, for the latest on TMSC. As always, please contact me if you have any questions.
Thanks for your time. Hope to see you in the pool!
Denise Smart